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Mostrando entradas de 2017


The sky was red. Bluish, orange, red. Blinding when facing the sun. She had her head on the edge of the matress, her endless hair falling downward, softly brushing the floor. Lying across the bed, her lower back was on the other edge, and her legs ascended all the way up the wall to the window, where her feet rested, and danced, and swayed embedded in the sunset's orange light. She had her eyes closed, her lips barely half-open, her fingers intertwined, resting atop her stomach, which gently moved up and down with every breath she took. Regarding him, he was sitting a little more over there, his back against the wall and his head against the window, his feet on the floor. Still, silent, looking at her without knowing she noticed it. He was just a movement of her hand away, and she had no trouble admitting she wanted to touch him, that she wanted him to touch her. She wanted a little intimacy, fingertips, a first time, goosebumps, a shiver, a smile. But she only heard hi...





Estaba tendida sobre el césped que hacía un par de semanas nadie cortaba, bajo el árbol que se cernía sobre ella y la escondía del sol. Sus cabellos infinitamente oscuros se repartían hacia todos lados, sus ojitos se cerraban apenas ante el resplandor del cielo azul, su boca era un puchero imperturbable y sus manos de deditos largos acariciaban la alfombra esmeralda que cedía ante su toque, ante el soplo de un brisa que llegaba de por allá y se llevaba algo del calor abrasador de esa siesta a la sombra. Inspiraba. Y suspiraba. Y a su alrededor y por sobre su vestido desparramado y sus piernas largas y toda su piel morenita bailaban las motitas de la luz del sol que se colaba por entre el follaje del árbol, que rebotaban acá y allá, le hacían cosquillas que ella ni sentía, la acariciaban de arriba abajo y se mecían en silencio. Y ese silencio trajo consigo un sopor tibio y ella se vio sumergida en el más placentero sueño sin siquiera notarlo. Sentía el sol acariciarle las mejillas y...